Friday, March 23

A must see film!

I watched a DVD yesterday called Facing the GIANTS. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it. It was a blessing and encouragement to my husband and I. My kids enjoyed watching it also. You can view a trailer for this movie by clicking the following link


Three Sisters Blog said...

I'm really glad you liked it! I really like watching it:)

Unknown said...

I've heard so much about this movie and can't wait to see it. We rented "One Night With the King" last night, the story of Esther of the Bible. We really really enjoyed it!

Karen said...

I loved it. Great movie.
Pam this movie will be a blessing to you. I hope you get to see it soon.

Sis. Julie said...

I've seen this dvd and I must admit I can't get enough of it. I have watched it probably a dozen or more times since we bought it. And you know what....I cry every time I watch it. It has a great message of faith and salvation in it as well. You're the first one I've seen to mention it on their site. I did a post that was stemmed by the movie a few weeks back entitled "With a Stone of Faith". God helped me through that movie!! Thank GOd for good movies with good messages.

steve's statements said...

Just watched the trailer, looks really good. Looking forward to seeing it as soon as i can. God bless you all.

TO BECOME said...

Karen, I saw this film recently also. I was standing up cheering and yelling near the end of the movie. It was great!!! I'm 63 and I don't stand eaisly. lol connie from Texas

Karen said...

It does have a great message of faith and salvation and it gives God the Glory too. Amen.I don't think i've read that post so i must do that.Thanks.

That's so funny. It does draw you in.
I can't imagine someone watching this movie and not being emotionally affected. A box of tissues is needed for this one. God Bless.

Ethel said...

I watched it last night. I cried too. it really is convicting. they need to make more good movies like that.