Wednesday, December 27

A Poem for the Saved

No matter what trials may come your way,
Remember the promise of God will stay.
There is not a trial that we cannot win
with the help of our Saviour,
the victory’s in him.

The cares of this life can often bring sorrow
but look to the Saviour, he’ll be there tomorrow.
He is our refuge, our strength and our tower,
Jesus is with us, even at our worst hour.

He bore our griefs and carried our sorrows,
He values us more than many sparrows,
Bruised, beaten and nailed to a cross
He loves us and cared, while we were yet lost.

When Peter began to walk on the sea
He took his eyes off Jesus and what was to be?
He began to sink and cried “Lord, save me”
And Christ took his hand as he heard his plea.

This is what happens when life’s storms arise,
We look all around us but Christ hears our cries.
Don’t be like Peter when troubles come-
Keep your eyes on Jesus, God's precious Son.

When there’s a trial that you have to bear,
Remember God’s with us,
Just tell him in prayer.

Matthew 28:20 ………lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen.

Saturday, December 23

Today has been busy as i have been doing some last minute shopping. The traffic wasn't as bad i thought it would be. All you can see is Santa Claus everywhere or should i say Satan Lucas. It's funny to see the expression on peoples faces when they ask my children "is Santa coming?"; My kids just tell them like it is - Santa is not real. You never hear them ask "Are you looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus?" This world has got everything wrong hasn't it. I like the saying that is around this time of year Jesus is the reason for the season.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Friday, December 22

Hello to anyone who is reading this. I am new to this blogging business as you can see so please bear with me as i experiment now and again. Thanks to Lydia and Grace for persuading me to create this blog. As this is my first post i would like to publish these pictures of my family. In the next few days i hope to post a couple of poems that i wrote so keep checking back for them. Wishing you a Happy Christ centered Christmas and joyful New year.

This is my husband Stan

Our 3 children Marky, JJ and Jade