Wednesday, March 19

Just for fun...

Color text Brain teaser
The point is to say the name of the color of each word, and not the color named by the word. So if you saw Blue you would say "Red". I strongly recommend you do this aloud in front of someone who can see the page and check you.

White - Gray - Orange - Gray - Pink - Blue - Gray
Red - Yellow - Purple - Red - Yellow - Pink - White
Green- Red- Gray - Yellow- Orange- Gray - Pink
Green - Yellow - Gray - White- Gray - Purple - Green
Pink - Gray- Blue- Gray - Orange- Gray - Blue
Yellow - Gray - Green - Yellow - Red - Pink - Gray
Purple - Orange - Green - Pink - Green - Blue - Green

Dawud Miracle learned that color stimulates different parts of the brain so he checked into this phenomenon even more... In the process he learned that the brain's easily tricked by association.


I found this a bit tricky, What about you?


The Sisters said...

Hi Karen,
That was Tricky!! But it was also fun! (:

Chyrll said...

That was tricky!!! I don't remember seeing this one before. Have a good day!!

TO BECOME said...

I have tried to do this before and I am not very good at it. I guess that means that my brain is easily Hope you are doing good. connie from Texas