Sunday, October 11 last

Hi again. I know it has been a while since i last updated, life has been very busy the past few months. We moved house and we now live in Bangor, the Lord provided us with a nice house in a nice area and it is great living here. The kids really love it and so do we. It is great to be so near our Church and the folks here. The kids started a private Christian school just a minutes drive from our house and they really enjoy it, they look so cute in their uniforms so i just had to post a picture. I am really happy to have found the school and i thank the Lord for it and the teachers there. It averages around 16 students between the primary and high school. Laurence and Brian's little girl Alyx-ann goes to the pre-school there too.
It has been a trying few months as my mother in law passed away and i had a miscarriage but God has proved himself yet again by getting my husband and i through these trials. His Grace is sufficient, Amen.

Here are some pictures of the new house for Chyrll. I included some videos of the wee man too.

Jade at front of the house

Back garden


Sitting room


Jades room


Samuel walking

Samuel and Jade singing

Monday, April 20

Wednesday, April 15

At last...

Just thought i would give a quick update while i had the chance. Life has been soooo busy.

We are all doing ok, It is JJ's birthday on Friday, he will be 7 years old; i sometimes still think that JJ is the youngest and I've even called Samuel JJ a few times, oops that's awful isn't it.Well what can i say i'm not 20 anymore.

It will be a busy week as my mom is getting married on Saturday to bro. Neil. So a big CONGRATULATIONS! to you both Mom and Neil. It was actually an answer to prayer for me as i had been praying for someone to look after my Mum when we move to Newtownards. You just never know what the Lord has in store for his children.
7 of us went out 2 weeks ago on My moms "last single lady's day out " , we did bowling and had a meal. It was fun even though i didn't win.(not that i'm competitive or anything,lol)

The hardest part of getting ready for this wedding has been finding something modest to wear.
The clothing manufacturers must be trying to save on material or something. When i go looking to buy a top or a dress i dont want half of it to be missing, which seems to be the in trend right now. The shops are promoting immodest dress and sad to say some parents do too.
I ended up going to juntion one in Antrim and mananged to get something there.
I will go for now and Hopefully will get to post something again soon.